Use Of Acupuncture For Dental Health
Did you ever imagine that acupuncture can help with dental problems? Probably not. But acupuncture is effective in treating dental and oral issues. Here are some ways acupuncture can be good for dental health.
Develops kidney Qi
According to Traditional Chinese medicine, teeth and gum health are controlled by our kidney Qi. So, if experiencing dental problems, the first thing to do is to check your kidneys first. Acupuncture can help to develop strong teeth. As such, it can be an effective dental solution for children whose adult teeth are slowly developing.
Helpful for Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD)
It is a disease that takes place in the joints between the jaw and skull. This joint lets us chew food. If there is pain or other problems in this joint then it is possible get relief from it using acupuncture.
Cures dry mouth
Many suffer from dry mouth due to a problem in their salivary glands. This condition is very uncomfortable as people may find it difficult to chew food or experience sound sleep. In extreme cases it can lead people to have difficulty talking even. This condition is called Xerostomia and it is said that this can be cured by acupuncture.
Relieves anxiety and gag reflexes
Some people suffer from anxiety problems before going to a dentist. They anticipate the experience will be very painful. Doing short acupuncture sessions before going to the dentist can help relieve people from anxiety. Gag reflexes are also common among dental patients which makes the job of dentists more difficult. Acupuncture can help in this regard as well.
Acupuncture can be effective in treating dental conditions. Traditional Chinese Medicines have gained popularity all over the world and acupuncture is an established practice for treating many diseases including dental problems.